Friday, September 20, 2024

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Timely topics

State of the Union speech mostly hit the right notes, left questions about homeland security

The focus of President Bush’s first State of the Union address Tuesday night was not only appropriate, but necessary.

Bush spoke of his vision for the war on terrorism beyond Afghanistan to a dozen countries that he said harbor terrorists and “an axis of evil” of three more that seek weapons of mass destruction.

He talked about the power of the armed forces and their mission to prevent terrorists from escaping the justice of our nation.

Five months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the nation continues to suffer from its effects, whether ti be direct or indirect.

Americans are constantly feeling the effects while traveling domestically or internationally or while examining the economy.

Bush chose to discuss what needed to be discussed, what Americans across the nation wanted to hear. Sure, they wanted to hear about stimulation of the economy, health care and education. But they also were willing and ready to hear about what was being done to not just battle terrorism but to prevent it.

As the words flowed out of Bush’s mouth Tuesday night, they were greeted with continuous applause.

Americans were listening and supportive of what they were listening to. In polls, more than 80 percent of Americans approved of his performance.

Bush said the U.S. military is spending $30 million a day to fight terrorism and that much more is needed. He has asked Congress to increase Pentagon spending by nearly $50 billion.

He also wants to increase spending on intelligence, military, border security, local emergency response programs and other homeland security activities.

All Bush has to do now is stir up the same amount of support and energy when it comes to domestic issues.

Many Americans remain concerned about the threat of terrorists living within U.S. borders rather than groups that function abroad.

We hope Bush will come back with solid plans that will strike some sort of balance and support for all. He needs to not only present his plans, but explain them and not push the policies.

Although Americans can unite on national security issues, domestic issues are sure to involve differences in views and thoughts.

It is Bush’s job to show us what he wants to do and make sure things get done.


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