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Stop talking about mall incident

I am sick of hearing about the Meridian Mall case (“Meridian Mall group should help others,” SN 1/7) and even more sick of the “victims” still complaining about the injustice they’ve endured. Let’s face it, there are several local stores that won’t allow more than a few students in at a time for security concerns. Does that mean I can bring a large group of my friends in, get asked to leave, then cry discrimination? I hardly doubt it.

Maybe this case will escalate to even greater heights. Maybe one of these “victims” is about to graduate, and can’t get a job. Would they sue the companies that rejected them for racial discrimination? Possibly. They got a grand for loitering in a mall, may as well go for the fences.

The race card is being thrown out way too many times - some legitimate, some not. I would like to think that this country has fixed this problem, with increased education and affirmative action in effect.

Let’s look ahead and put aside our differences. Black people, as well as whites, Asians, and many more are being sent to Afghanistan to fight the war on terrorism. No segregation, no racism, no color. Just Americans. So please, stop the whining, because you could have it a lot worse.

Mark McKim
construction management junior


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