Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Overspending is source of problem

Money is tight. University officials tell The State News that we’re going to have to be very careful with the money that we have. Yet stories about continuing renovations also run in the paper.

Money is so tight that the University spent $93 million on a new physics building. Part of carefully using our money included knocking a parking garage to the ground, when parking is a big problem on campus, and replacing it with the CATA Transportation Center.

There is money well spent in improving the quality of education offered. But with all these renovations, classes that used to have access to university vans, now have to pay for transportation out of their own pockets.

Residents of Akers Hall brave the cold to go to Hubbard Hall for meals, while paying more than last year for a dorm that provides fewer services. Staff with offices in Morrill Hall must place their desks carefully, for fear of falling through the aging building’s floor.

I’m not saying gymnastics teams don’t deserve locker rooms; I’m just questioning the timing. Hopefully, as we write checks for transportation, bundle up to go get meals, and fall from the third floor to the second, we will take comfort in knowing that at least Ralph Young Field has new bleachers.

April Malfroid
animal science junior


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