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Nonsmokers need smoke-free halls

This is in response to the editorial “Smoke Free” (SN, 1/ 29). The State News’ commentary suggests that students who wish to live in a smoke-free environment should have a right to do so.

Unfortunately, the editorial is unaware of the fact that tobacco smoke is a gaseous substance, and it does not stay in the smokers’ rooms alone.

Quite the opposite, it travels through every door and window jam, electrical outlet, light fixture, crack, ventilation system, etc.

It’s the old peeing in the pool problem. When the baby pees in the shallow end it does not stay there. The swimmers in the deep end will swallow it, too.

Any student with any type of respiratory or heart problem, even AIDS, will be severely affected by the smoke traveling from a smoker’s room to theirs causing them to suffer mild to serious illnesses.

Unless you allow for completely separated 100 percent smoke-free dorms (some smoking and some not) you will have some very sick people whether they like it or not.

Jacque Petterson
Smokefree Air for Everyone board member
Santa Clarita, Calif.


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