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Letter was racist despite intentions

The history of America has shown there to be unjust actions taken against people of every race, from the Jewish faith to the Irish heritage. At one point or another a group of people were discriminated against. See, Jeremy Williams, (“History of racism rests on whites,” SN 12/3), this is called racism.

To quote The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, “racism n. prejudice against certain peoples.” Nowhere in the definition does it distinguish a certain race. However, your statements about “white folks” do not seem too politically correct to me. And your incorrect definition about the word racism seems contrived. I am one who disagrees with affirmative action, however, I do believe in equal opportunity.

Williams, I am not attempting to change your mind. You are obviously set in your beliefs and my letter won’t change years of thinking. However, you are almost correct in saying, “Racism denies the logical conclusion of that if it were not for racism and its systematic and unrelenting quest to oppress...” The problem is the rest of your pathetic, uneducated views. Just because you have been able to use your thesaurus and come up with a few words does not make you smart. Your letter may be an acceptable view/opinion if you used a dictionary for the word racism.

What do you anticipate to get in life with an attitude of always expecting a hand out like affirmative action? You’ll end up unhappy and weak. Work hard and prove yourself in class and life by making smart choices and not asinine claims. You’ll actually get respect. If you think that there is no such thing as a black racist, look in the mirror, because your letter makes you seem the same as the people you despise.

Neil Weghorst
2001 graduate


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