Friday, September 20, 2024

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Lawmakers should help steady tuition

It is unreasonable that MSU officials have suspended the Tuition Guarantee and raised tuition a whopping 8.9 percent (“Tuition Guarantee troubled,” SN 1/17).

While this is not quite as bad as the large increases at Central Michigan University, it is still hardly warranted.

As Michigan residents, our taxes support the public universities, yet our taxes have not decreased at all.

Where, then, is this large budget deficit coming from? It is coming from inappropriate budgeting on the university’s behalf.

If a slowing economy is to blame, as officials say it is, this is a time to cut back spending rather than maintaining or increasing it.

Not that I want to sacrifice the integrity of this fine academic institution, but I believe that instead of paying for new this or new that, why not try to make do with what we have for one more year?

Our education would not suffer as a result.

I also think state Rep. Paul DeWeese, R-Williamston, ought to find a way to compensate MSU students for his tardiness.

It is inexcusable that his lateness in voting to repeal the Michigan Tuition Tax Credit should force us to shell out more money each year. He should be ashamed, and at the least we should expect a personal apology.

Drew Hall
biological sciences junior


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