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Lame talk

Annual address offers few realistic objectives as term-limited governor sets final agenda

I t seems Gov. John Engler’s goals are too lofty as he plans for his 12th and final State of the State address tonight.

Engler is expected to announce a plan to expand health care coverage to about 200,000 low-income residents and residents with disabilities without spending extra money. It is likely he also will call for the state to attract businesses that research and produce hydrogen-based automotive fuel cells.

Fuel cells create electricity through a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, and vehicles powered by them are viewed as the best long-term way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

While both points are nice ideas, Engler would have had a much better chance of bringing them to fruition a year ago. The perils of being a lame duck wouldn’t have had as much influence back then.

Goals of more accessible health care and cleaner air are commendable and a nice way to round out a tenure, but Engler will have a tough time pushing his ideas through the Legislature with less than a year left in office.

If the governor were committed to these ideas, he should have pushed for them when a recession didn’t stand in the way.

The state faces a $1.4 billion deficit - the worst in nearly a decade.

Though expanding health care would be a beneficial response to a turbulent economy, Engler should focus his last 11 months on bigger issues, such as getting Michigan’s economy back on track.

In November, funding for construction of the Life Sciences Corridor was cut by $5 million to help balance the state budget.

Now, with Michigan universities expecting cuts in state funding, schools will likely raise tuition rates for the coming school year.

These and other budget cuts make it obvious that stabilizing the budget crisis would do more to aid Michiganians than goals that won’t come to pass.

Engler should look to accomplish everything he can in the next 11 months - even if that means setting create realistic solutions.


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