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Recent survey shows importance of state, local governments working together for good

State and the local governments must work together if there is going to be any type of growth within Michigan cities. One cannot perform effectively and to its greatest potential without the other.

The Institute of Public Policy and Social Research conducted its 23rd annual State of the State Survey.

The survey provides information about citizens’ opinions on urban-rural, economic development and environmental issues.

The survey found that 42 percent of respondents said that Michigan cities were in good or very good shape, while 43 percent of people felt that the cities were in fair condition.

People were split when it came to who should be held responsible for addressing the problems of cities. Some 50 percent of respondents said the cities themselves should be responsible, while 29 percent felt the state should.

There is no denying the fact that in order for a city to perform to its best abilities there needs to be some affiliation between the state and local governments.

Both bodies of government need each other if they are going to properly address the issues of a city. Anything can be made better with double the support.

It’s also important for the two to come together because of the importance of cities.

Cities are where people work, live and entertain themselves. They also are the places within a state that tourists flock to while visiting. They are what many call the heart of the state. If they are to be the heart, then they need to be treated as such.

Although nearly 70 percent of respondents rate the physical condition of public school buildings in their communities as good or very good, opinion is not as high when it comes to the actual infrastructure.

Nearly 87 percent of respondents support state assistance to local districts for improving school infrastructure.

It is the state government’s duty to ensure cities are healthy, and the responsibility of both levels of government to improve environment, transportation and education.

It’s important to keep two things in mind in order to benefit state and city residents: The state cannot ignore the needs of local governments and local governments must remember to look at the big picture in terms of statewide issues.

With cooperation, elected officials can ensure they are best serving the needs of their citizens.


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