Monday, June 17, 2024

Commission announces speakers for Lansings MLK Day luncheon

January 8, 2002

On Jan 21 more than 1,200 people will step out of the Lansing Center ready to live according to Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream.

The Greater Lansing Area Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission is hosting its 17th annual luncheon in honor of Dr. King with the theme, “Celebrate the Past with Reverence, Celebrate the Future with Courage and Hope.”

“I think that people will come to see each other and be inspired to move forward with Dr. King’s ideals,” said Sharon Radtke, assistant director of the MSU alumni foundation and public relations chairperson for the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission.

The main speaker, Dr. Nathaniel Thomas, a Lansing native, is currently the Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Texas. Thomas was a speaker at special memorial services for the World Trade Center families and victims in New York.

“I think that the spirit of the community and this event is so much stronger now because of September 11,” Dr. Ron Nichols, chairman of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission said.

The luncheon is expected to draw a crowd consisting of representatives from various churches and businesses in the Lansing area.

“I want them to see that we have so many things in common as a community and together we can accomplish much more than separately,” Nichols said.

Tickets can be purchased for $25 per person or $200 per table of eight. Mail in orders must be received by Jan 18. For more information, call 323-2206.


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