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Children should learn creationism

The Supreme Court decision to reject the case of Rodney LeVake, a Minnesota biology teacher, is the latest defeat for parents who want their public school children to receive a competent science education.

LeVake was censured merely for his desire to examine problems with Darwinian evolution. The high priests of evolution are ever tenacious to prevent any criticisms of this destructive world view from reaching the ears of students.

I spoke with a career chemist and ardent evolutionist and challenged him to cite any evidence, theory or experiment that supports the chemical origin of life via natural means. He had nothing to offer. But he remains committed to his faith, for evolutionary faith is essential to atheism.

What really frosts me is the apathy, ignorance and compromise of Christians and their pastors on this subject. Despite literature that proves evolution is bankrupt and that the Biblical creation account is scientifically valid, Christian parents are content in their ignorance. Their children are indoctrinated with pseudoscience and a philosophy that is the enemy of the Bible.

One local pastor advised me that he didn’t preach on creation or evolution because it isn’t important - it doesn’t cross his path. I recommend that he beat a path out of his study, talk to people on the street, and ask the kids what they are doing in school.

David Stone
1974 graduate


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