Friday, September 20, 2024

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Cancellations show wrong priorities

As a former study abroad student, I am proud to say I attend one of the most culturally diverse universities in the nation.

MSU has the programs and people that make it an institution with a superb world view.

However, recent actions by the MSU administration have proven otherwise (“‘U’ cuts classes, combines sections,” SN 1/16).

I was extremely disappointed to hear about the recent cancellations of classes. Many of these classes were an integral part of MSU’s diverse culture.

Along with canceling numerous classes, MSU has let go of many professors who have taught for many years here and have given so much to the university.

I am very disappointed in the actions of our administration.

Last semester it was announced MSU wouldn’t be able to afford sending our band to the bowl game, yet the band went.

Now the repercussions of that decision are being heard, and felt by students and staff all over campus.

Once again, athletics has seemed to take priority over academics at MSU.

It is my hope that our administration will choose to make wiser decisions in the future to help MSU remain a forerunner in a diverse cultural education.

Jessica Persichini
communication senior


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