Friday, September 20, 2024

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Bright future

National funding increase will bring prestige, pave way to build role as a scientific leader

It’s good to know MSU will reap in a few benefits in light of economic heartaches. University officials announced Thursday that MSU’s National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory will receive a 50 percent funding increase for the next five years.

The National Science Foundation will up its contribution to the Spartan-based lab from $50 million to $75 million to cover operational costs.

MSU’s Cyclotron lab is considered among the nation’s top nuclear physics facilities and plays host to the research efforts of more than 300 scientists from around the globe each year.

The news of the funding increase comes a half year after the completion of $20 million in renovations to the facility - which made the lab 1,000 times more powerful - and one day after Gov. John Engler pledged a “down payment” from the state to help the university attract a national Rare Isotope Accelerator to MSU.

In his 12th and final State of the State address, Engler outlined his hopes of making Michigan the world headquarters for nuclear physics.

Rare isotopes have medical and industrial applications and are considered to hold the key to understanding the origin of atoms.

It is pleasing to see national and state leaders show interest - and more importantly take action - in pursuing measures to make MSU a leader in the world of science.

This scientific interest is further highlighted by construction of the $93 million Biomedical and Physical Science Building on MSU’s campus set to open in March.

The building will be home to at least 400 researchers and claim fame as the biggest academic facility at MSU in its 147-year history.

The presence of such internationally renowned science facilities under the MSU umbrella brings the school’s name welcome prestige and helps further its mission as a land-grant institution to provide the opportunity for knowledge that will better the world.

It is satisfying that the scientific community at MSU has a bright and financially supported future.


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