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Alcohol statistics dont reflect U

Recently The State News printed an article that placed MSU at the top of the alcohol arrest list (“‘U’ tops U.S. in alcohol arrests,” SN 1/29). This statistic grossly misrepresents MSU.

I think that MSU is no different in the amount of alcohol consumption or partying than any other school. But the overbearing police go out of their way to make life miserable for MSU students, despite their stated efforts to develop a better relationship with the students.

The police go out of their way to bust students, but don’t realize that no matter how many arrests they get, it will not stop college students from drinking.

Last year a party at my house got out of control and attracted the police. I and a few other people were arrested by undercover police. On the way to the station, a fellow detainee stated that the police were “acting like Nazis.” The officer that was driving said, “yes we are.” When asked for his badge number, he declined.

Is this the way we want our police to treat our students? I don’t think the police are Nazis, but their relationship with students isn’t helped by their mission to bust every underage drinker in East Lansing. Let the kids have some fun.

Scott Dedoes
telecommunication and advertising junior


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