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Aid programs need better promotion

I read Alison Barker’s article, “Students find hope in aid” (SN 1/14). Like Mike Skamiera, I was a low-income and first-generation college student. The difference was that I was a nontraditional student, meaning I was not of the age to get parent loans.

It wouldn’t have mattered if I could get a parent loan because my parents are poor also. I was never offered the opportunity that College Achievement Admissions Program provides. I received Pell Grants, MSU grants, work study and student loans to pay for my tuition and books and still graduated with a $20,000 student-loan debt.

In my senior year, I finally broke down and applied for food stamps because I couldn’t afford to buy groceries. I never had a social life because all of my money had to go to basic necessities. My grades suffered because I had to work so much. I could go on and on.

My chief complaint is that I was never offered the opportunity that Skamiera had. The university doesn’t tell you about these types of programs. It’s sad that any student should have to leave a state university with a debt.

Stephanie Bour
2000 graduate


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