Friday, September 20, 2024

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Abortion challenges American liberties

The verdict of Roe v. Wade gave the right to define the beginning of human life to the individual.

Leaders and citizens of the United States through history have worked to uphold the inalienable rights of every individual, particularly the vulnerable and the undervalued. Slavery abolished. Women’s suffrage granted.

Is this most recent step in line with those momentous decisions which preceded it? Does it even further the rights of the mother?

Does the woman who chooses to abort her child feel empowered by having this option, or does she later regret having resorted to it, at the peak in her feelings of hopelessness and isolation?

Talk with those who have had abortions about how it has affected them emotionally.

Talk with would-be fathers.

What about the physical effects?

Also, keep your eyes open for soon-to-be-released studies showing an increased occurrence of breast cancer among women who have had an abortion.

Is the Roe v. Wade verdict a giant step in the direction of upholding liberty, or destroying it?

Courtney White
first-year medical student


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