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Orange County hits theaters

January 11, 2002

If you’re up for a movie this weekend, your best bet for a new flick for some laughs will most likely be “Orange County.” Starring Jack Black, the man who helped save “Shallow Hal,” and who also put a good number of the laughs into “High Fidelity,” not to mention his hilarious musical musings with rock gods Tenacious D, the movie should provide quite a bit of entertainment.

The movie involves Black’s character’s brother, who discovers that his high school counselor sent in the wrong transcript, thus making him ineligible for his dream college, Stanford. He then embarks on a quest to set things right, to a hopefully hilarious effect.

The cast also includes people like Kevin Kline, Chevy Chase, John Lithgow and Lily Tomlin, which hopefully adds up to a big kettle of funny.

The movie starts out in Orange County, Calif., hence the ingenious title. Black plays a slacker who has been living with his parents, hanging out in his underwear and watching television ever since high school. If for nothing else, this should provide plenty of opportunities for Black to test his comedy mettle. Here’s hoping.


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