Friday, September 20, 2024

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Vamanos a Havana

Study abroad programs expansion to Cuba positive experience for students, U.S. public

Beginning next summer, MSU’s Office of Study Abroad will send students and faculty to a country where most Americans haven’t been - Cuba.

After acquiring a two-year license a few weeks ago, the university will be able to send participants to Cuba’s capital, Havana, and take part in “Caribbean Regional Development: The Cuban Experience.”

Students and faculty traveling to Cuba will be able to experience many unique aspects of the country such as traveling throughout the island and seeing historic landmarks firsthand.

In addition to benefiting members of the MSU community, landing Cuba in the study abroad program also opens relations between Cuba and the United States.

Cuba has had a long and often rocky relationship between our government with its communist dictatorship, led by Fidel Castro. But over time, communication between the nations has improved, and adding a Cuban study abroad program will further help break down the Castro regime of the past.

Cuba is a country rich in diversity, and having a study abroad program there is a valuable tool for Americans to learn about its history and lifestyle.

Study Abroad already gives participants the opportunity to travel to more than 50 different countries through various programs. But the more countries students and faculty can travel to while learning about different cultures will ultimately better serve them in the future.

Study Abroad should continue to build upon it’s strong foundation, especially in allowing the opportunity to experience unique places not accustomed to study abroad opportunities.


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