Friday, September 20, 2024

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Womens bodies will be protected

So Ted O’Neil claims a majority of Americans disapprove of abortion (“Roe doesn’t make abortions moral,” SN 11/5). Well Ted, whether the majority of Americans disapprove is not important. No one, neither you nor President Bush, can tell women what to do with their bodies.

No pro-choice person I know thinks of abortion as a good idea, but it is the woman’s decision. The great thing about America is our freedom to choose. If you think Roe v. Wade will get reversed you’re in for a shock. Not many women I have come into contact with would give up their right to choose. I’m sick of pro-lifers shoving their opinions down our throats.

Why don’t you take up a worthier cause like helping children who are actually out of the womb?

Karen Plant
international relations


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