Friday, September 20, 2024

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Restore security

U.S. has obligation in Afghanistan to help build new ruling government after Taliban

The task of freeing Kabul of Taliban rule may have come to a close, but a new, more urgent task must now begin - the establishment of a fair and stable government to represent the people of Afghanistan.

As Taliban forces retreated early Tuesday morning, northern alliance troops made their way into the city without dispute. Residents of the city ventured into the streets in celebration as the troops made their way through town. Among them were many men with their beards shaved showing their dismissal of the Taliban rule.

The acquisition of Kabul may be victorious, but outside governments such as the United States must keep peace talks moving forward. Abdullah Abdullah, northern alliance foreign minister, has offered Kabul as an initial location for the peace talks. With the absence of the Taliban, a large void must now be filled to prevent future chaos in the city. Leaving the military presence of the northern alliance is not the final answer. A temporary, yet more established governmental power is necessary to represent the Afghan people.

Pakistan would like to see U.N. control over Kabul, but a peace-keeping movement will not be effective without a dominant power in the nation. Many diplomats feel meetings concerning the new government could begin as early as next week. Although there might be a power struggle for the now leaderless Afghan people, the United States has a moral responsibility to ensure the future and prosperity of Afghanistan.

A solid transitional government will help aid the people, Afghan women will begin to have more opportunity to participate in society and the nation can move away from its war-torn history.

Ultimately, a firm power will not only mean a better way of life in Afghanistan, but it can aid the task of finding the corrupt minds behind al-Qaida and the terrorist attacks.


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