Friday, September 20, 2024

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Racial profiling deserves coverage

I am writing in response to the complaint made by Mike O’Bryan about the Meridian Mall case (“Meridian Mall case gets too much play,” SN 11/7).

First, to answer his question was it “truly worthy of the front page of the State News?” Yes! The article dealt with a serious issue involving MSU students, and if I’m not mistaken The State News is here to first and foremost serve the MSU community. I understand the 9-11 attacks and its aftermath still deserve much attention, but I didn’t hear this outcry on front page coverage after the big game or any other recent event that received top priority in the news.

Secondly, a thorough investigation is being performed by all parties involved, and common sense should let you know no apologies or serious demands can be made until it is completed. That is simply normal procedure.

Finally, the statement made by one of the students may have seemed to be racist, but it is the truth to those who experience it on a daily basis.

She was not fighting a racist act with racism, she was simply stating how shopping is for her and probably other minorities. To say the credibility of their “cry of racism“ was lost with that statement is sad because if the truth isn’t credible, then what is?

I hope more action is taken by the students and they are given more coverage in all of the newspapers, on radio and on television. It’s time East Lansing, Meridian Township and the world stop putting these issues of racial profiling and racism on the back burner in hopes that they would just disappear.

We are an integral part of this world, and it’s about time our struggles our voices opinions and faces be moved from Section B to the front page.

Tawana Holly
telecommunication junior


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