Friday, September 20, 2024

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Photos disgusting, but necessary sight

I would like to thank Students for Life for bringing “The Genocide Awareness Project” to campus. I had been pro-choice most of my life, but I am now pro-life. I agree the pictures are disgusting, but so is the act of killing any life form.

Pictures of Nazi concentration camps are disgusting, but yet they exist in my history book. Would just saying a bunch of people died do the Holocaust justice? I have always considered an abortion to be the woman’s choice. After all, it is her body. But the babies in the pictures sure did not look like “part of her body.” I don’t think it is a woman’s choice to kill her husband, so why did I think it was all right for a woman to kill her own child? If my child saw the display, it would be difficult to explain to my child that some people are capable of committing the acts shown in the pictures, but if I could save my future grandchild’s life, then it would be well worth it.

Thank you MSU for my education in scholastics and in life.

Jeremy Shaw
mechanical engineering senior


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