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Fieger time

Donation serves to improve MSU-DCL image, thanks due to controversial attorney for gift

He may be best known for his bombastic style and famous clients, but attorney Geoffrey Fieger proved he has a caring side, too.

Tuesday, the MSU-Detroit College of Law announced Fieger, a 1979 DCL graduate, is donating $4 million to give the school the nation’s first trial practice institute for law students.

Participants in the Geoffrey Fieger Trial Practice Institute will have the opportunity to gain experiences through high-tech trial courtrooms, clinics and simulations.

The institute is a two-year program designed in collaboration with practicing trial lawyers and judges, giving law students special real-world experience and other lessons to help them be more successful in the courtroom.

Fieger’s donation will also help support an annual lecture series that showcases nationally known trial lawyers. Fieger will present the first lecture in the fall.

This donation will help beef up the prominence of MSU-DCL. The college moved to campus in 1997, two years after the private law school formed an alliance with the university.

Fieger’s name and reputation as a fierce worker will bring attention to the school. Although some may say Fieger’s history of representing controversial figures, including Jack Kevorkian, taint the money, it is a gift that is much needed and appreciated.

The controversial lawyer has won more multimillion dollar verdicts for clients than any other U.S. attorney. And although many link Fieger with his flamboyant run for governor or a few shady clients, he has also represented those who have been discriminated against and sexually harassed.

Fieger’s gift is the single largest donation ever to the law college, proving he supports education at MSU.

And for that we say thank you, Mr. Fieger.


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