Friday, September 20, 2024

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Close-mindedness too common at U

There is a serious problem on this campus - close-mindedness.

As a spokesperson for the group of students involved the Meridian Mall discrimination case, I do not understand how others can judge our group as loiterers, martyrs, opportunists or any other degrading word claiming that we were causing a disturbance or were disrespectful.

This story was definitely front page news. Things like this get overlooked too often and pushed to the side too often. It’s time people outside of our race accept there is still racism in our country. Just because you don’t participate in it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

The fact that we were not asked to leave the store by the manager or even approached by the manager, lied to by the manager, ignored by security when we tried to explain the situation, had racial comments made by security, were embarrassed, threatened, harassed and defamed by security and that we were all black and they were all white in a primarily white mall does make a difference.

And for those who continue to make ignorant comments, do your research. Come to any one of the group members and talk to us. Everyone knows our names have been in the paper. Look us up and e-mail us or call me if you want to know something.

You know what happens when you assume. Only you’re the only one looking foolish because you don’t know what you’re talking about.

The mall security and store couldn’t defend themselves because they had no reason to. They were wrong, as simple as that. Get over the money issue and have a problem with the whole settlement or nothing at all.

Marcelle Bryant
advertising junior


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