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Terror scare

Linton Hall incident, past terrorism gives call to campus for increased awareness, vigilance

We usually feel safe on campus, but the scare of an anthrax attack Friday at Linton Hall should be a reminder to all of us to be aware and vigilant against suspicious activity.

The landmark hall on West Circle Drive was closed off after an employee opened a letter thought to contain a white powder - especially worrisome considering anthrax was mailed to a Florida tabloid newspaper office, NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw and a Microsoft office.

Officials sent 15 people to the hospital as a precaution while the letter, apparently from an animal rights activist, was tested for dangerous substances. Nothing was found.

Campus officials took swift and appropriate action to seal off the hall, and communicate by e-mail with the community about the incident. Students and MSU employees remained calm, and Homecoming activities went on as planned.

These aren’t the first acts of terrorism on campus. The Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmental activist group, has claimed responsibility for the New Year’s Eve 1999 arson of biotechnology offices in Agriculture Hall, and mink research was targeted by animal rights activists in a 1992 Anthony Hall arson. Certainly these actions will not be the last threat to our campus.

Many of the places that have received threats or even actual forms of the anthrax bacteria have resumed business, and it’s reassuring to see. They did follow through with many precautions and safety measures - after all, it’s better to be overly cautious than to do nothing. In MSU’s case, there was nothing in the envelope aside from the letter, but university teams and special units mobilized and acted quickly to make sure any possible problems were contained.

It’s frightening to see these - hoaxes or no - hit so close to home. But here, too, we must continue with our regular university activities, although everyone is encouraged to call MSU police if they see anything out of the ordinary.

People need to remain alert and careful with what they handle in the workplace. It seems that any place could be a target for a scare, and these days, keeping vigilant means staying healthy.

The people who are targeting American companies with anthrax, and also those sending hoaxes throughout the nation, must realize they hurt their causes more than help them. They end up looking like the spoiled child who throws tantrums to get its way - except that this spoiled child is also willing to put innocent lives in danger because a particular view isn’t the mainstream opinion.

These acts do attract attention to whoever claims responsibility. The perpetrators become more than activists - they become terrorists. And as much as our society encourages activism, we will never tolerate terrorism.

Thankfully the events at Linton Hall appear to be only a scare tactic from an animal rights activist. If it had been the real thing, certainly more than angry words would be directed at those responsible.

Terrorism at any level is inexcusable in a free society. We do not exert change in the United States by threatening or killing others, we improve our society through the ideals set forth in our Constitution.

And we will remain vigilant against terrorism - and our Constitution - until that threat against our society is eliminated.


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