Friday, September 20, 2024

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Spartan chariot better last year

I am a longtime MSU football season ticket holder and MSU alumna. I would like to know why the chariot, horses and Spartan driver that circle the field before the games have been replaced? The chariot and horses the past few years have been absolutely gorgeous and a thrill to see at each home game. Exquisite! I have been bragging for years that State has the best live mascot in the United States. Bar none!

Not anymore.

The “outfit” that showed up at the Central Michigan game was a flat-out embarrassment. Poorly handled, out of step, small, mismatched horses that were more gray than white. MSU fixed something that clearly wasn’t broken. I honestly feel that if this is to continue, they should discontinue it altogether. What a shame.

Penny Cook
1967 MSU graduate


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