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Rall wrong about Bush popularity

I am writing to state my complete disgust with Ted Rall’s political comic “The Making of the Resident - 2001” published in The State News on Oct 1. Rall has made it very apparent he is anything but a fan of George W. Bush, and since this is a free country he is free to feel that way.

But I find it incredibly insulting the way he attacks the opinions of Americans in general in his comic. He depicts Americans as low-intelligent morons who have changed their opinions of Bush from bad to good merely because a tragedy has occurred and will continue to raise their opinions of him if U.S. soldiers die fighting for their country in Afghanistan. (In the strip he depicts a person saying, “I didn’t support Bush until he got my son killed.”)

I don’t understand why The State News would publish such garbage. Is it not plausible to believe public opinion of Bush has increased after the terrible tragedy that occurred a few weeks ago because people have finally put things into perspective and realize that we as a country need to come together as one to fight this terror rather than hold onto some grudge toward our president?

Ted Rall has attacked every American who has come to realize that united we must stand. I realize his comics lie in the opinion section of the paper, and his opinion is as valid as anyone else’s, but I would like to think The State News would have a little more discretion and sensitivity in what it chooses to publish.

Joe P. McCleer
English junior


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