Friday, September 20, 2024

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Penalty crackdown needed by Williams

Football is a game of inches, Al Pacino said in the 1999 film, “Any Given Sunday.” MSU gridders learned this firsthand Saturday when they defeated themselves in a game where last-second salvation, and damnation cursed the Spartans. Penalties and continued poor special teams play mortally wounded the Spartans.

Certainly the fourth quarter held a glimmer of hope for those like me who know how well the Spartans can play. Immediately following Herb Haygood’s amazing return, David Schaefer had his extra-point attempt blocked by poor special teams play. This doesn’t even take into account the three other field-goal attempts that were botched throughout the game.

Hopefully coach Williams will take a second look at his coaching practices and decide that teaching fundamental discipline will help the Spartans overcome adversity brought upon themselves through sophomoric penalties and poor special-teams play.

Let’s look at the penalty statistics for the first three games: 70 + 101 + 66 = a very disappointing 2-1 start.

Keith Medlin
MSU graduate, teacher education intern

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