Friday, September 20, 2024

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Patriot statements wont end problems

I am writing because I am concerned about some of the opinions expressed on the Opinion Page in regards to the attacks on New York and Washington. For example, “These attacks on our country were aimed at us because... we represent freedom, liberty and all basic human rights” (“Classes are symbol of terrorist failure,” SN 9/13). Or, “There is only one solution to the problem with terrorism. We must find the terrorists and destroy them” (“Marches for peace useless with terrorism,” SN 9/18).

These statements are not accurate and can be misleading. If the aim is to become more patriotic, we are on the right path. But if we really aim to put an end to this problem, we should try to understand it first. What I am suggesting is that we should all do our homework and get informed from all possible angles about this conflict that did not start Sept. 11, before we express such categorical opinions.

We, as Westerners, are bound to know very little about the East and even less about the uneasy relations between East and West during the centuries.

What happened Sept. 11 was a very painful event, and I truly wish something like that never happens again, here or anywhere else. But to achieve that we have to come to terms with all people on Earth before we can call ourselves civilized.

Laura Martinez
Spanish graduate student


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