Friday, September 20, 2024

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Open records

Legislation to allow law enforcement access to student records appropriate, protects rights

An alarmist might say our civil rights are in danger. Congress is preparing a bill which will allow law enforcement agencies greater freedom in investigating suspected terrorists. In doing so, it will expand access to student records.

This bill is designed to allow for more detailed information on anyone suspected to be involved with terrorism.

A university should have a cooperative relationship with law enforcement agencies. Especially since the tragic attacks on New York and Washington, there is a definite importance to prevent any hindrances to an investigation regarding possible terrorism.

But a university must also make sure it takes care of the privacy concerns of its students.

This bill appears to comprehensively address both of these concerns enough that it will become an effective tool in investigators’ efforts.

There are some concerns over the broadening of governmental powers that this bill affords. Many fear this will help to enable a kind of witch hunt in the wake of Sept. 11, detrimental to a university where free thinking and openness are essential.

But law enforcement officials will not be able to examine anyone’s record at will. Agencies will still need to go through the proper channels of the legal system and students will still have their Fourth Amendment protections. There must still be substantial evidence, and law enforcement officials must still request a subpoena from a court of law before proceeding with an investigation.

And if students have nothing to hide, they should have nothing to fear.

It can be a chilling and sobering thought to know investigators can access anyone’s records if there is any evidence - of any sort - that links a person to terrorism. Sometimes mistakes are made.

But this is a necessary step. Law enforcement officials need to have more freedoms to make doing their jobs easier and more successful.

What they do is not to make our lives harder, but rather to make our lives safer. And if this bill makes it easier for agencies to do so, then it’s a positive measure to enact.


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