Friday, September 20, 2024

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Infiltration policy encourages abuse

We all became aware of a cowardly and shameful act recently. No, not an attack by terrorists, but the disgraceful surrendering of the MSU Board of Trustees to President M. Peter McPherson’s abuse of power and improper exercise of his office’s authority.

After the near universal campus community outrage at McPherson’s hand in having an undercover officer infiltrate a student group, committees were formed and investigations performed. Despite implausible denials and stonewalling by the perpetrators, it was decided the actions taken by McPherson and the police were unjust and their motivations suspect.

So, what is the result? Suspension and firing of those involved? Some sort of sanction on the police? A public censure of McPherson? Sadly, not even these minimal results have come to pass.

Instead, the gutless wonders who comprise the Board of Trustees have decided to make it “legal” for the president to use his judgment as to when and how student groups should be harassed and monitored. McPherson can do exactly what he has done and more, only now such smarmy actions have the official OK.

The Board of Trustees hasn’t learned rewarding bullies only makes bigger bullies. It needs to rescind this decision and replace it with a simple statement: “Under no circumstances or for any reason shall the president of the university or any governing or enforcement body of, or associated with the university engage in any covert, secret or nonpublic actions regarding any type of campus or university organization at any time, and all found to be doing so will be immediately suspended without pay during an investigation, and if proven guilty parties involved will be summarily fired.”

Ben Urish
American thought and language visiting assistant professor


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