Friday, September 20, 2024

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Grad gloom?

Economic woes mean students need to think smart to allow payment of bills, college loans

New problems are facing recent and soon-to-be graduating college students. While sitting on piles of credit card bills and student loans, we’re faced with the uncertainty of today’s economy.

With an unpredictable economy, students are wondering if they will find the jobs needed to pay off their debts.

Finding unique ways to volunteer and earn extra money could be the answer college students across Michigan are looking for. These programs work as a jump-start to help pay the never-ending list of college bills before we even leave college.

With the help of Michigan programs such as Civilian Conservation Corps and residential camps, students’ worries are coming to a rest. These organizations provide room and board and pay students minimum wage for a 40 hour work week. After participating in such programs for six months, people can earn a bonus to pay back student loans or other debts.

Corps and volunteer programs offer students a chance with be outdoors and participate in hands-on projects, compared to being indoors behind a computer. The change in surrounding could be a refresher to many college students.

Volunteering for projects such as these is not only beneficial to student debts, but the experience is sure to benefit recent graduates, too.


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