Friday, September 20, 2024

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Coming home

Weekend provides special time for Spartans to remember greener days of university life

Homecoming is not only about football and tailgating. It is the most public chance for students to show school pride and represent the university.

This year’s Homecoming kick off includes a week of spirit activities, the Ludacris concert, the annual pep rally and even fireworks. All these special events are sure to make this year’s Homecoming a memorable one.

It is times such as this that students gain appreciation for the university and the memorable moments of the college experience. Spartan pride is at its height and memories are being made.

The picture perfect scenery that MSU creates during the fall season is breathtaking. The orange and red leaves, the chipmunks running around, students laughing with each other on their way to class. These are scenes that will stay embedded in your memory for a lifetime.

Chances are that years from now you will still get excited when you hear the opening notes to the fight song. Or when some one yells, “Go green,” you will automatically respond, “Go white,” because it’s in your blood. Who could ever forget Sparty, one of the most recognizable mascots in the country. Students will always light up when he walks into a room. That’s what being a Spartan is all about.

Years from now when we return to MSU, as many alumni do, we may walk down Grand River Avenue and take a look at all the shops. You may hear the band practicing somewhere in the background and find yourself dodging students on bikes. These are the scenes of MSU, these are things we’ll remember.

Though many things may be different then, much will remain the same. This will remain MSU.

Homecoming is a time to celebrate the university. We should try to take in the beautiful world around us and show pride for our wonderful university.


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