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Columnist missed point on Emmys

While flipping through The State News my attention was drawn to Drew Harmon’s column, “Emmys should remain canceled” (SN 10/15). I agree the Emmys should be delayed, but, as I had not given the award show’s cancellation much thought, I read the article in hope of becoming more enlightened to the topic. No dice.

As I read, I discovered Harmon’s reasoning included ideas roughly that “Titanic” sucked, we all watch too much TV and there is not an awards show for every profession. Also included was a paragraph explaining Harmon’s distaste for the vocal stylings of Celine Dion and mentioning that she, like many other artists, does not write, produce and play the music for her songs. I think we have all already heard that last little story a thousand times. Not what I expected from the lead. If I may I’d like to use Harmon’s own words here where I find it fitting to say, “Big woopty doo.”

I did not enjoy the movie “Titanic,” don’t listen to Celine Dion nor do I routinely watch the Emmys or think the best movie always wins. Actually, I personally do not enjoy the show. But I’m not about to use the recent tragedies as a platform to jump to a reason to publish an article about it. I understand the column is opinion, but it should be journalism as well.

Just a thought, but perhaps the reason they air the Emmys is because what people receive the awards for are “shows” and it just seems to fit with the medium. And who knows, but for some reason film is important to some people as part of American’s history and cultural tradition.

OK then, so we permanently cancel the Emmys. My question is, while we’re at it, should we discontinue all awards from employee of the month at the local McDonald’s to the Silver Star to the Pulitzer? While to be sure Harmon will not receive the latter distinction for this column, maybe this is something he didn’t think of.

Marisa Fusinski
journalism senior


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