Friday, September 20, 2024

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Buffoons running graduate union

I am one of the many graduate students suffering the great misfortune of being represented by the new Graduate Employees Union. My fears about the GEU were confirmed when I read the article “Graduate Union Wants Contract, Benefits from ‘U’” (SN 9/27).

The GEU’s first action was to draw up a poster-sized list of demands and march them to the president at 9:30 at night. It was an excellent example of why people hate unions.

If the GEU wished to engage in constructive negotiation with MSU administration, it would not take a mob and a symbolic letter to the president’s residence in the dead of the night. I hope the community does not believe the buffoons running the union represent all graduate students.

I understand I live in a democratic country and I must live with the decision of the majority. But I think it is sad when union representation is a prerequisite to work.

I have already missed out on our cost-of-living adjustment because of the union and now it performs ridiculous publicity stunts in my name. I fear what it will do next.

Jeremy Seitz
physics graduate student


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