Friday, September 20, 2024

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Unity conquers

As rescuers sifted through rubble, students united to recognize attack, find ways to help

Like the towers of the World Trade Center themselves, the entire nation shuddered from the impact of the two terrorist-guided jetliners as it watched the terrible footage replayed over and over again throughout the course of the day.

The disaster in New York City sent out shock waves felt across the country - campus not excluded.

Within hours there was a tremendous outpouring of support from the entire MSU community. It speaks extremely well of our students who handled this tumultuous event with the sensitivity and empathy needed. There was discussion for those who wanted it and sympathies offered to those who needed it. Tears were wiped away and worries were soothed by friends and faculty alike.

But most importantly, wherever one looked, there was a shoulder to lean on for all during this horrific tragedy.

ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, sponsored a vigil Tuesday night at the rock on Farm Lane, bolstered by tremendous attendance. More than 500 Spartans - students, faculty and community members - stood together in remembrance of those who died in the devastating attacks on New York and Washington.

A blood drive started Wednesday at the Union was filled to capacity. Some waited hours to donate, others were turned away and asked to make appointments. The Red Cross’ equipment and personnel have been overwhelmed by the waves of those wishing to help in any way they could.

Flags lined lawns and windows, and banners of sympathy and prayer hung from offices, fraternities and sororities.

And campus life continued, not bending to the terrorists who attacked the United States.

It’s been a dynamic picture of unity spread across our green and white campus.

But there have been those who cannot accept peaceful consideration to the violent events that rocked the world.

There were reports of men driving through residential neighborhoods shouting hateful racial epithets Tuesday night. The Islamic Center of East Lansing on Harrison Avenue received threatening phone calls hours after the attacks took place.

It’s important to remember that what’s needed now is not angry, negative efforts against one racial or ethnic group - especially on campus. While some U.S. officials suspect known terrorist groups with Muslim and Arab ties, the investigation is incomplete.

And we must remember the actions of a handful of people does not set the standard for an entire race or ethnicity. Our tendency to generalize must be kept in check even after the identity of our attackers is revealed.

Despite the unnecessary actions of a few individuals to put a darker cloud over an already grim day, it was good to see Spartan spirit - and human spirit - shining through.

We as students and American citizens need to work toward unity and striving for peace and rational thought, instead of the chaos our attackers sought to wreak.

During the past two days, we have shown we can weather adversity in the most tragic of conditions. This is a trend that needs to continue, if we as a community, as well as a country, are to emerge victorious.

In the wake of what will probably be recorded as the bloodiest attack on American soil, we will remember that in East Lansing, humanity stood strong in support of those in more dire straits than our own.


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