Friday, September 20, 2024

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Stand strong

U.S. must stand behind its soldiers as military prepares for campaign against terror overseas

Our armed forces are setting out on their first assignments of Operation Infinite Justice, and some of our friends and loved ones are among those taking up arms to combat the evil of terrorism around the world.

Many men and women, some no older than most college students, are going off to fight a war against a faceless enemy - an enemy that fights from and hides in the shadows.

We’ve seen this coming since Sept. 11, when the two airliners smashed into the World Trade Center towers and another into the Pentagon, shattering concrete, glass and thousands of lives. Most Americans demanded retaliation to avenge the hurt they were feeling and the losses they suffered.

And now, we’re doing just that.

We’ve made the commitment to prevent these horrific acts of terror from occurring again - anywhere in the world - and we need to stand behind it. As the operation’s name implies, we are seeking justice, which is a responsibility that won’t be taken lightly. Our armed forces, among the best in the world, will be keeping a vigilant watch against terrorism, and they will come out on top.

But there is a price to pay for the diligence with which we will be protecting the rest of the world, and for some that price might be steep. We may never again see some of those heading off to fight.

People who weren’t directly affected by the attack on America a week ago are now embroiled in Operation Infinite Justice. Violent conflict has a way of drawing everyone in, from all walks of life and backgrounds. It’s an indiscriminate beast that devours people whole.

While our nearest and dearest are taken from us - albeit an assignment we hope to be temporary - we must remain strong. It’s difficult knowing your brother, sister, friend or fiancée is somewhere else in the world risking his or her life. It’s a frightening prospect, but there will be support wherever you look.

Our troops need our support, too. It makes a big difference for a soldier in combat to know their country is behind their efforts abroad. For some it makes all the difference. To receive letters, care packages and the like buoys our soldiers against the troubles and tribulation they experience during a wartime conflict.

The risks of combat are many, and these soldiers are fighting to keep us, and the rest of the world, safe. When they return from the noble cause they’re working toward, we also need to ensure these men and women can transition easily back into society. Fighting needn’t be the best thing they know.

As our government has told us, we’re going to war. It will not be a quick, easy battle and could become the event of our generation.

Now is the time for America to show its firm resolve from all quarters. This will not break our spirit.


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