Monday, June 24, 2024

Reel problem | Not shark attacks

Duh dum.

It’s not safe to go into the water.

Duh dum.

Well, at least that’s the message we’re getting from the national media which has decided one of the most important stories of August is people getting attacked by sharks. So our attention has been focused on the Atlantic coastline, waiting for the next enthralling pictures of gashed, bleeding legs and arms.

Meanwhile, in the fresh water along our own shores in Michigan, other troubling situations have been arising. Of course these pictures aren’t quite as exciting, so people tend to pay a little less attention.

Duh dum.

Foreign species are attacking the Great Lakes. Fish are attacked and gnashed by sea lamprey. Zebra mussels cling to rocks - and anything else - destroying precious Great Lakes habitats. Marina owners have been struggling to deal with low water levels that threaten to put them out of business.

Scary stuff. Duh dum.

But here’s the most troubling part. How many people can name where one of the shark attacks occurred and a possible reason for it? Now how many can name one effort to combat our local water problems?

They are out there - just like those sharks along the Atlantic coastline.

Duh dum.

Now if we can just latch onto one of these plans to rescue us before our problems take a big bite out of the Great Lakes.



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