Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Reader remembers day with silence

Tuesday’s horrible events will probably affect all of us for a long time to come. While I have sympathy for the people who were hurt, and their families, I think that I am even more worried about what lies ahead. The anger, hatred and lust for revenge displayed on the news, by government and ordinary people alike, lead me to fear these events will have residual consequences in the hearts and minds of people the world over.

We must do what we can to try and stop the spread of hatred, and this tragedy provides us with an opportunity to be examples of peace in a time of anger and violence.

These events have awakened a spirit of activism for me, and I hope you will join me in whatever way you are able.

I would like to propose a day of silence, for those who are able, to take a stand against the rage and retaliation-oriented attitude. On Thursday, I am going to try (for the first time in my life) to not speak for the day. Instead, I will either wear a sticker or carry a piece of paper that explains my silence.

If you feel compelled to try this along with me, you are welcome and invited to do so! If not, please try to do something else positive, such as giving blood.

Nate Bohy
education senior


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