Friday, September 20, 2024

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Organizer thanks football protesters

I want to express my appreciation to all the women and men who came out to protest the football game on Saturday to make their voices heard. The energy of the student body, faculty, staff and alumni is overwhelming. It was great to see so many motivated individuals coming together from different backgrounds to get the message across.

I was encouraged by the supportive response we got (especially from alumni) once they learned about the administration’s decision. Some people even left the game to join us or go home in protest.

I was also impressed by the overall maturity of the protesters. I am embarrassed for the few belligerent hecklers who tried to disturb us. But I feel that the protest was incredibly successful at educating the public about this issue.

I am proud to be a part of such a dedicated group. I am excited to see the numbers multiply as more people learn about this outrage and decide to join us in taking a stand.

If you want to become a part of this you can e-mail us at, or meet us this Saturday on the second floor of the Union at 9:45 a.m. Please wear black or dark colors for cohesion.

Nicole Ramp
humanities junior


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