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Michigan Drilled

DNR made mistake to resume issuing leases for oil, gas slant drilling under Great Lakes

In the hustle and bustle of last week, politics as usual went on in our state. The Department of Natural Resources announced Friday that Michigan will again issue leases for slant drilling for gas and oil under the Great Lakes.

The DNR’s intent and timing are ill conceived.

Most state politicians and residents agree slant drilling is unnecessary and unwanted. Slant drilling may have some small advantages, such as an increase in the Midwest’s oil supply, but these effects will be small compared to potential aesthetic and environmental impacts.

All candidates in the state’s gubernatorial race are opposed to slant drilling and state Sen. Gary Peters, a Bloomfield Township Democrat running for governor, has said he will attempt to push a bill banning slant drilling through the Legislature this week.

Most importantly, however, is that the DNR’s announcement came in the midst of the public’s concern about the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.

Polls show a majority of Michigan residents disapprove of slant drilling. Announcing the decision when these residents are focused on a national tragedy is irresponsible. A decision as controversial as this deserves to be heard by the people and not ushered through while no one is looking.

As a state agency, the DNR should be held accountable to the people’s will. This implies two parts. First, the DNR should act accordingly when it hears the people’s opinion. Second, it should also allow the public a chance to be heard.

The DNR should have kept in mind the terrorist attacks will have effects on our lives, and our government should have adjusted its policy schedule appropriately.


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