Sunday, June 23, 2024

Message lost

Knott, Dowdell protesters cloud effort with inappropriate, vulgar signs at Saturday rally

Universities are traditionally - and proudly - known for activism. But there are times when protesters wielding pride, justice and equity stand up and proudly, justly and equitably shoot themselves in the foot.

About 100 protesters marched from the Union to Spartan Stadium on Saturday, denouncing the presence of freshman tight end Eric Knott and redshirt freshman quarterback Damon Dowdell on the Spartan roster. They meant to send a message that winning is not as important as standing up for the rights and values of women.

Unfortunately part of that message was impeded by some of those trying to spread it.

Knott and Dowdell were arrested and prosecuted for the July 1999 alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl. Dowdell pleaded no contest to misdemeanor assault and battery and joined the Spartans as a redshirt freshman last year.

Knott, originally charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct, struck a deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, a misdemeanor. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and a year’s probation.

If Knott successfully completes his probation, his offense will be reduced from sexual assault to misdemeanor assault and battery.

The group meant to stir discussion and distaste among tailgaters for the university’s decision to award Knott a full scholarship.

Instead, as the protest marched past family tailgates, many alumni reacted with distaste for the protesters - not the university.

The decision of a few student activists to carry inappropriate signs and flyers clouded the real issue. Tailgaters - including young children - were faced with some signs saying “Football players are rapists” and “F--- rape.”

While it’s good to see student activism, the way these protesters made their statement drowned out any positive message they had.

With families and children in attendance - and not just the average university student or alumnus - there should have been more responsibility exercised in executing this protest. The same message could have been sent without having to resort to crude language and outright social discord.

Organizers have said these protests could continue until the Penn State game. If they are to continue, they need to be carried out in a more appropriate manner so everyone gets the same message.

Because Knott and Dowdell were admitted to MSU and invited to join the football team, some students who have worked for women’s rights may feel cheated and wronged. But if they continue to protest in the manner seen Saturday, it will be easy to understand why the protesters’ efforts have been ignored.

This protest will be looked on as rude and poorly put together unless organizers clean up their act.

As most accomplished public speakers know, the key to a good performance is to know your audience.


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