Friday, September 20, 2024

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McPherson failed to recognize tragedy

An American tragedy occurred this morning in New York and Washington, D.C. I would like to send out prayers to anyone who has friends or family in these areas. No one should have to deal with such a cowardly act of warfare in the entire world. I hope everyone on campus takes a minute to give respect to the people injured in America today.

Now I would like to address the fact that President M. Peter McPherson did not close the university. I don’t think this was a case of safety, but more a case of students trying to deal with the tragedy at hand. Early on I know there was a fear of safety to go to classes. This is due to not knowing if the attack was over.

My father actually called me this morning and told me to not go to class and made plans in case anything happened closer to home. When I told him we still had class he was shocked.

Now, although safety seems to be under control, students and faculty are wondering if their loved ones are all right. This should be a time for students and faculty to talk to loved ones and deal with this tragedy and to not worry about classes where it would be hard to concentrate.

I believe that President McPherson should have addressed this catastrophe with a little more concern. I hope the group responsible for this act of terrorism is caught and brought to justice soon, and I ask that everyone in the nation back our president on whatever he decides to do during these terrible times. I send my heart and prayers out to everyone involved in what happened this morning.

Chris Mansfield
food industry management senior


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