Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Increased security necessary response

Waking up to my roommate shaking me saying, “The World Trade Center and the Pentagon have been attacked!” The first thing into my mind was, “Am I sleeping still?”

As I walked out into the living area, the news slapped me in the face confirming the worst. President Bush, who I did not vote for, now has unilateral support from our apartment to take ruthless, relentless action against the responsible parties and no doubt those nations that support these groups.

Security needs to be maximized to ensure business as usual can continue. Congress needs to show leadership to give its people direction so the ensuing panic does not have a chance to seep deep into the skin, for it has already hit our hearts. Perhaps the most vital thing to do is not ethnocentricize any groups. We do not know who is responsible.

Joseph Soltz
agricultural economics junior


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