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Hey, chief

Leader of campus police celebrates 15 years focused on safety, improving student relations

For 15 years, Bruce Benson has overseen the campus department perhaps best known for issuing MIPs, ticketing speeders and towing vehicles.

The title of police chief and director of MSU’s Department of Police and Public Safety doesn’t exactly come with the undying love of students everywhere.

But it should come with a lot of respect.

In the time he’s been chief, Benson has helped mold our police department into one of the most diverse and progressive forces in the nation. Through the ups and downs of the department, the chief has steadfastly stuck to his mission - keeping campus safe.

And he and his troop have done a remarkable job. Felonies on campus have dropped from 2,167 in 1987 to 675 last year. Community policing officers have been placed across campus, building better relations with students. The department has made a concerted effort to reach out to minority student groups, students living in residence halls and the rest of the campus community.

Benson has also been integral in improved relations and cooperation with the East Lansing Police Department and city leaders.

But with so many years on the job, the position of police chief is bound to come with its bumps and bruises. Most recently, MSU police have been battling the hit its reputation took due to the undercover investigation surrounding a campus activist group more than a year ago.

Benson and his department have taken blows from student groups, campus government bodies and this newspaper.

Battered, perhaps, but not beaten, our police chief has risen to every challenge put before him. He has taken abusive comments at meetings of ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, where he was called to explain the undercover investigation. He has met with students and student groups. And while his answers aren’t always what we’re looking for, he has talked as openly as he feels he’s allowed to and still protect the often delicate nature of police investigations.

Most of all, though, Benson has shown how much he cares about this university and its students. A lesser person might have packed up and left years ago.

He hasn’t.

Happy anniversary, chief. And thank you.


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