Friday, September 20, 2024

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Healing helper

Trustees create special 9-11 scholarship; task must turn to finding victims children in need

MSU’s Board of Trustees has joined in the outpouring of humanitarian support our country has seen in recent weeks following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. The creation of the 11 new scholarships for those directly impacted by Sept. 11’s terrorist attacks is a kind and generous gesture other universities would do well to emulate.

These 11 full scholarships will be granted to students who lost one or both parents to those tragic acts of destruction.

A handful of scholarships will be given out each year until all are awarded. Each four-year scholarship is valued at about $50,000. Applicants must meet the usual academic standards and preference will be given to those with financial need.

MSU Provost Lou Anna Simon calls this a value statement, that the main importance of these scholarships is their symbolism and importance to the university.

But it’s certain the recipients of these scholarships will find their importance to be so much more.

This is a great display and a great addition to the show of national goodwill toward the victims of this horrendous tragedy.

University admissions must now actively seek out candidates for these scholarships. Children of the victims of Sept. 11’s attack need to know that these scholarships are available for them, and the university must ensure they can make use of them.

It’s wonderful to see the university doing its part to help the nation heal. Along with the police, firefighters and rescue workers struggling to clear the rubble and find survivors, there is a special place for those who make life easier for those whose lives have been broken.

Hopefully the young people who have had their lives irrevocably changed by this tragedy can find some sense of strength and security in these scholarships.

Maybe they’ll use them to work toward a better and safer future, one their parents would have wanted for them.


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