Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Graduate happy many at services

The past days have been a rough for many people, some more than others.

I watched on TV as a plane smashed into the World Trade Center and saw people jumping from hundreds of feet to escape death or to bring the inevitable more quickly. This is the first time I can remember that I cried for someone else’s misfortune. This attack was against me and you and your parents and my friends.

I was so moved by the horror that bombarded me on CNN that I felt like I had to do something. I felt it my obligation to at least attend the prayer service at St. John’s Parish. And I was pleasantly shocked at what I saw: A church filled to capacity with almost all MSU students. At a huge, impersonal, hip place like MSU, well over a hundred students took an hour out of their busy evening to come and pray. What was even more awe-inspiring is how the tears flowed freely. All were there for the same purpose, and I felt united, proud, patriotic and overcome with emotion.

I’ve been to a few football games, watched the basketball team’s NCAA victory and supported our hockey team, but I have never been more proud to be a Spartan.

Go green, and God bless America.

Ben Wilmhoff
electrical engineering graduate student


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