Friday, September 20, 2024

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Go $$ green $$ go

Donations to campus reach impressive record, but bad economic times could hurt next year

Students may have noticed new equipment in the library and computer labs.

The new equipment is the result of $202 million raised by the university from donors during the 2000-2001 budget year. The record-breaking donations - $80 million more than a year ago - come as a welcome source of funding as the state lessens what it gives to universities.

These generous donations undoubtedly improve the academic life of students, but they also speak highly of the job MSU officials have done to increase the university’s reputation nationwide.

But those same officials will probably have to work a little harder next year. With the nation’s economic downturn - the full extent we probably have yet to see - we cannot count on the same level of contributions in the immediate future. With less money to work with in a recession, corporations and individuals will not be as willing to contribute at the level we’ve recently seen.

Sagging economic times could prevent those same corporations from hiring alumni, resulting in a reluctance to contribute to their alma mater.

Officials could also be battling a public relations war over MSU’s 8.9 percent tuition increase. Although necessary, the large hike hasn’t been looked on kindly by the public.

Combined, these effects could end our six-year streak of increased fund raising.

The donations of last year are greatly appreciated, but MSU officials must make sure that money is spent with a less prosperous time in mind.


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