Friday, September 20, 2024

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Coverage of athlete academics unfair

Do you think going to classes is hard? What about preparing for and taking exams?

Every study at this university has dealt with the stress our education gives us. Try compounding academics and athletics. So much is expected of student-athletes on campus. Not only do we need to fulfill academic expectations, but we need to sustain our performance athletically and remain leaders to our fellow Spartans.

It is a big shoe to fill for any athlete. It takes determination and discipline. Sometimes our academics slip. It happens to many students here. Many fail a class or even fail out of school.

Cedric Henry failed a class. So what. It happens. We have a tough school. We have a tough load to carry, and sometimes we fall. It is human nature. But to have your personal problems published on the front page of the paper just to be gossip for campus is wrong (“Henry burned by bad grades,” SN 8/29).

Henry and other people in his situation (not only athletes) need support from this institution. We need to show respect for those who dedicate themselves to their Spartan pride and be behind them, not be the ones pointing fingers and calling people “dumb jocks.” We are all people and deserve some sort of respect. Putting someone’s personal business and private matters on the front page of the paper is not a way to show people care about people and not just football (also note the Eric Knott case).

People make mistakes all the time, and people are blamed for things they may not have done. Give the guys some space. They need a second chance and coming to State will help them regain the ground they need to stand on. Show people that we want them in the university, not just to fulfill a Saturday ritual.

K.T. Metz
political economy junior


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