Friday, September 20, 2024

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Cafe-II-Go changes no improvement

“Caf-II-Go is now completely takeout!”

Sounds like that might be a good thing, doesn’t it? At least, it’s being advertised as a positive change. After all, I have always been grateful for the option of Caf-II-Go - which allowed me to eat on the run when I was busy or alone in my room when I was ill - so I thought this change sounded promising. Until I walked in, that is.

In the past, Caf-II-Go has offered the same food the cafeteria has offered, but with the convenience of being able to take it with you to class, to study sessions, to work, in the car or to your room. Different entrées were available each day, usually including something moderately healthy. Grilled chicken, baked fish, salad, mixed vegetables, etc., along with some other foods like pizza and chips.

But this conversion to “completely takeout” has proved to be a conversion to completely monotonous junk food. I was unhappy to find out what Caf-II-Go now offers is pizza, hot dogs, sandwiches, nachos and chips - every day. Each day the same high sodium, high fat, high cholesterol menu. Hmm. Does anyone else notice something wrong with that, or is it just me? Does Housing and Food Services think we won’t notice? Or does it simply not care if busy students who use the Caf-II-Go option frequently leave the university on cholesterol medication?

To make matters worse, Caf-II-Go has also cut down on the amount of food each student is allowed. For example, last year students were allowed two beverages, this year just one. Yet the amount of money students pay has stayed the same. Or are we students not supposed to notice that little change either?

As a dorm resident paying the same rate for my meal plan as before, I am receiving less food, a non-diverse selection and poor quality devoid of healthy options. This hardly seems like an improvement to me.

Sarah Kate Van Auker
psychology junior


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