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Alumnus withdraws football support

On May 29 I wrote to three MSU offices - the president, the athletic director and the football office - with my objections to recruiting two student-athletes who had been accused of assaulting a teenage girl. One of the offices mentioned above responded with a letter with the information that those cases would be reviewed pending the court’s decision. Both student-athletes are now on the football roster.

MSU has failed to do the right thing. Yes, the courts made a judgment that was less than what I expected, but it was within MSU’s power to make a judgment as to its moral obligation to students. Could it be construed that MSU values winning over social responsibilities to its student body? When the rest of society treads lightly for fear of offending, who will make a stand for what is right for the good of the whole? I believe those who review the standing of the two student-athletes to attend MSU and receive scholarships lacked the moral courage to do what is right.

Who loses as a result of this issue? The courts and MSU say one is not to be held responsible for one’s actions. Therefore, how could this administration expect to hold students accountable for their actions? How can parents feel comfortable sending their children to a campus where good moral values are not held in regard? How can alumni continue to feel pride for their university when it no longer values character above a winning season?

Finally, I have been a Spartan since the 1950s and have been a minority in my community because of my allegiance. I have remained strong in my loyalty to MSU. Now I must turn my back on those responsible for and to the football program. I will not support MSU football regardless of how successful this or future seasons may be until there is a change in the present position taken by MSU when moral responsibilities are in question.

Les Nixon
1966 health and physical education graduate


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